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Introduction to Tree Algorithms

Authors: Nathan Chen, Siyong Huang, Albert Ye

Introducing a special type of graph: trees.

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Trees are generally treated very differently from general graph problems.



traversing tree, diameter


Some properties/definitions of trees:

  • A graph is a tree iff it is connected and contains NN nodes and N1N-1 edges
  • A graph is a tree iff every pair of nodes has exactly one simple path between them
  • A graph is a tree iff it is connected and does not contain any cycles

General Tree Terminology:

  • A leaf of a tree is any node in the tree with degree 11
    • If the tree is rooted, the root with a single child is not typically considered a leaf, but depending on the problem, this is not always the case
  • A star graph has two common definitions. Try to understand what they mean - they typically appear in subtasks.
    • Definition 1: Only one node has degree greater than 11
    • Definition 2: Only one node has degree greater than 22
  • A forest is a graph such that each connected component is a tree

Rooted Tree Terminology:

  • A root of a tree is any node of the tree that is considered to be at the 'top'
  • A parent of a node nn is the first node along the path from nn to the root
    • The root does not have a parent. This is typically done in code by setting the parent of the root to be 1-1.
  • The ancestors of a node are its parent and parent's ancestors
    • Typically, a node is considered its own ancestor as well (such as in the subtree definition)
  • The subtree of a node nn are the set of nodes that have nn as an ancestor
    • A node is typically considered to be in its own subtree
    • Note: This is easily confused with subgraph
  • The depth, or level, of a node is its distance from the root

Solution - Subordinates

In this problem we are given the parent of each node of a rooted tree, and we want to compute the subtree size for each node. A subtree is composed of a root node and the subtrees of the root's children. Thus, the size of a subtree is one plus the size of the root's childrens' subtrees.

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
const int SZ = 2e5;
vector<int> children[SZ];
int subtree_size[SZ], depth[SZ];
void dfs_size(int node) {
subtree_size[node] = 1; // This one represents the root of `node's` subtree


StatusSourceProblem NameDifficultyTags
Show TagsConnected Components, Diameter, Tree
Show TagsConnected Components, Tree
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Show TagsConnected Components, Tree
Show TagsGreedy, Tree
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How is a preorder traversal found for a binary tree?

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